Passionfruit Flummery

85g passionfruit jelly crystals
375g can well-chilled evaporated milk
3 passionfruit

Stir the jelly crystals into 1 cup boiling water until dissolved. Pour into a shallow metal tray and refrigerate until the consistency of unbeaten egg white.
Transfer the jelly to a bowl, add the evaporated milk and beat with electric beaters, on high, for 5-8 minutes, or until doubled in volume.
Using a large metal spoon, fold in the pulp from 2 passionfruit.
Spoon into six 1 cup capacity glasses, or a serving bowl, cover loosely with plastic wrap and chill for 1 hour, or until set.
Top with pulp from the remaining passionfruit.
Note: Different fruit jellies can be used and decorated with the appropriate fruit.
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