True Blue Aussie Salad And Vegetable Dishes

Vegetables. Hmmm. As a child, I detested all vegetables with the exception of the good old mashed potato. Every meal time was a challenge for me because, back in those days it was customary that if one didn't eat their vegetables, they either got no dessert, or went straight to bed.
As I grew older and started to try some of these horrid things, I discovered to my pleasant surprise that I loved them.
Sometimes, it becomes a mission to make vegetables in a way that is both appealing to the eye, and taste-filled.
Below you will find some lovely variations to salad and vegetables, which will ensure that your children don't give you the same grief I gave my mother as a child.
Adults and children alike will love the following recipes:
Ratatouille in Roasted Peppers
Stuffed Tomatoes
Potato Kugel
Cheese And Asparagus Flan
Cauliflower And Brocolli Au Gratin
Potato Bake
Omelette In A Bag
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